Meet the next generation of polar scientists working with me in the Vernet Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography!
For the 2021 summer (10-weeks), Anesse Pinpokintr and Christian Johnson, two incredibly bright and passionate undergraduate students, worked on analyzing FjordPhyto data as part of the Scripps SURF program (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)!

It has been awesome to finally interact in person, show them the lab, and to also finally meet last year’s SURF student Karina Halliman who worked with Tammy Russell and who just graduated with her Bachelors degree!

These students helped analyze years of FjordPhyto phytoplankton data and wrapped their minds around all things Antarctic – all the while learning a splash of bioinformatics, genetics, statistics, and what it means to be a polar scientist!
They presented their findings after 10-weeks of the program at the SURF Student Symposium, in person on campus! This was their first scientific poster presentations and they did an outstanding job! I’m very proud of them and honored to work with them.

Before the summer ended and everyone had to disperse back to their homes, the Vernet Lab was able to have an in-person BBQ where we could actually interact in person for the first time for some of us!

The Vernet Lab is the best!
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