For an up-to-date list of my publications, see my Google Scholar Profile. You can also find me on ResearchGate. (In my 20’s I was married and took the last name Lee. Thank god for ORCiD because the marriage didn’t last and I reclaimed my maiden name of Cusick. As a publishing scientist, having multiple last names is a nightmare. That’s why you’ll sometimes see both names)
For everything I’ve done related to my work with FjordPhyto, see our publications and media list here. We also have a fantastic YouTube Channel.
I was also featured as a Polar Hero and featured in Condé Nast Traveler. I have done a number of interviews you might enjoy (scroll down to the Interviews section). Recently, I starred on Jeff Goldblum’s show ‘The World According to Jeff Goldblum – Tiny Things’ sharing the science of tiny marine organisms and the world of phytoplankton.
To learn more about my career see my Allison’s CV.
You can find me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and I also have a YouTube Channel.
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