This week a 260 page special issue came out featuring Women in Oceanography YAY! I wanted to post the link here so you can reference other amazing women doing science!
A decade ago, in March 2005, The Oceanography Society published a special issue on women in oceanography with the intention of exploring why men vastly outnumber women at the higher levels of the field. Now 10 years later they’ve come out with another feature issue high lighting the progress that has been made, barriers since the last volume was published and areas where further attention might still be needed. The publication has been getting a lot of press featured in AAAS, at Bigelow Laboratory, and at The Institute for Systems Biology.
“We captured our story through statistical measures, longer narratives, articles describing some innovative US programs that were conceived to promote women and retain them in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, and one-page autobiographical sketches written by women oceanographers.”
Two senior research scientists at The Institute for Systems Biology are featured on p.189 and p.234: My boss, Monica Orellana, and colleague, Anne Thompson, respectively. Go Monica and Anne! Click here to download the PDF and read the original publication in full.
Additionally there are 15 more in-depth profiles of women in oceanography on the Women Oceanographers website here.
If you’ve thought about having a career in the marine world, I found a great article in the December 2011 Nature publication.
I hope to get more Interview Bios up on WOMAN SCIENTIST webpage but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that women are being high lighted in sciences elsewhere, because surely this site alone is not enough =)
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