Hello! I completely bailed on making a recap video for month three and month four of grad life (coming soon). That’s because…well, grad life.
We are nearing the end of month five and I felt inspired to get back on the ball (or am heavily procrastinating on writing my term papers), so here is the latest recap video of our fifth month in graduate school.
Make sure to watch what we did during our first and second month.
To remind you all, I’m in the Master of Advanced Studies program at Scripps Institution of Oceanography studying Marine Biodiversity & Conservation. Its an amazing interdisciplinary program focusing on economics, policy, and social constraints and I highly recommend it!
I apologize in advanced for the incredibly choppy audio stitching–I clearly need to take a media productions class some day–but I wanted to at least share the content of how our month has progressed.
Thank you so much for watching!
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Also, if you get out in the field for work, we’d love to share your career journey. Click this link to fill out the interview and inspire others to go in to science!
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