in the field

Category: Interviews (Page 3 of 3)

Biology, Art, and Technology – Interview with Allison Kudla

Allison Kudla has an unconventional career: she has mastered a creative solution to work at the interface of three disciplines: biology, art, and technology.

We first met when she joined the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) as an artist to make our work look as gorgeous visually as it was scientifically. I was amazed with her portfolio, and watched in fascination as she made changes to ISB’s graphic designs. She is certainly a talented artist, and incorporated so much technology and science into her work that she had me confused as to whether she was an engineer or a biologist! I had never imagined a job position like hers before. Naturally, I needed to understand more.

 Allison didn’t set off early in her career knowing she would, or even could, blend all three disciplines. She pursued one interest at a time–art being the catalyst–and with each step in the journey more and more was revealed to her. She took on new ideas and new concepts along the way, working them into her ideal framework, and created a space for herself that incorporated her vision for her career. Her journey is not over; She still strives to reach that perfect ideal blend where all of her talents and education can be used.  It just goes to show that you can create and accomplish amazing things during your hunt for the elusive career unicorn without getting discouraged that you haven’t yet “arrived”.

Allison’s career creativity is an example we can all follow. I hope you enjoy reading her interview below.


1. Were you first in to art, science or technology? Or were you in to all three at the same time?

I would say art first. In high school I set a goal of creating a portfolio of work that would get me into an art school. Indeed, I was accepted into a few and decided on the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). While there, in my second year, taking a class on Conceptual Painting at the same time as a class on Digital Tools for Painting, I really began questioning why my medium was painting. My concepts were perhaps better conveyed with new media / digital media. From there, I switched to the Art and Technologies Studies program at SAIC and began working with interactive platforms such as: physical computing (sensors and micro-controllers), sound synthesis and graphic programming. I was so excited to be making works that were driven by data taken from the external world. When I finished my BFA, I felt I had only begun this work. After a short time, I was accepted into the first waive of a new practice-based PhD program in the arts at the University of Washington’s newly established Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS). Here I was challenged again to question my medium, and my knowledge of the systems I use in my work, and there I began exploring the life sciences. This is where biology has its first direct emergence in my artistic work.


2. What led you into art and how did it evolve over time? Did you start out using a certain media and then evolve your preferences from there until you found your niche?

I suppose I am sponge, meaning if it is available to me as a medium, and I am interested in working with it, I soak it in and start using it! It wasn’t until I came to the arts as a graduate student at a research university (UW) that I realized that my medium could involve a greenhouse or a tissue culturing lab just as much as it did a fabrication studio, a machine shop, or a computer lab. I tried to be as imaginative as I could and really think in an interdisciplinary way to solve creative challenges and create visual art.

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3. Can you remember your first art project that was at the interface of three disciplines: science, technology, and art?

Definitely. It is called “The Search for Luminosity”. It was a system that watched the circadian rhythm of the Oxalis plant and enabled it to control its light source. Oxalis is phototropic and has very broad and large leaves that seem to “open” and “close” when it is attempting photosynthesis. Because the opening and closing gesture is based on a bio-chemical memory of the plant’s previous routine or cycle, even in darkness the plant will lift its leaves. For this reason, I was able to create a robotic system that watched for the plant to lift its leaves, and when it did, it would turn its overhead light on.  In short, a poetic framing for reversing the hierarchy of the biological and the physical world, The Search for Luminosity equips the phototropic plant Oxalis with the ability to communicate directly with the acting sun in its universe through the mediation of a technological system.

kudla luminosity2Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 10.10.40 PM

4. When did you realize, or decide, you could blend all those fields into a successful career? Did you have any idea at first that you’d end up using your artistry in the science world?

I didn’t have an idea. It really happened gradually and in part due to the people around me.

5. Who inspired you  to investigate a path involving science and technology? What hooked you onto the sciences and technologies?

Shawn Brixey, my PhD advisor. Check out his work, it is so rad! He asked me a deceptively simple question:

“In art, what is the difference between simulation and emulation?”

This question prompted me to explore what the “operating system” for my work was. I realized that instead of it being Mac OS X drawing a picture to a screen of a representation of a plant or botanical form, I wanted to learn the operating system of the botanical form itself. I wanted to know what algorithms were running on biological systems, and to know this, one has to study biology.

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6. Do you have a favorite type of science?

Accessible, breakthrough science that I haven’t heard about before! I am a visual person too, so I really love it when the sciences discover something that can be imaged or visualized in a way that is beautiful. I am really looking forward to seeing data visualizations over the next 10 years and hope to be a part of that work.

I am also fascinated by science that studies how species have evolved to adapt to climate change. I think we can learn a lot from organisms with faster evolutionary cycles and therefore shorter life spans.


Credit: Dr. Allison Kudla, Institute for Systems Biology, illustration featured on U.S. NIH website for The Cancer Genome Atlas Project.

7. What were some preconceived notions about art, artists, science or scientists and did that change once you explored your career in it?

 I think when I was younger, I thought scientists were not imaginative. I really don’t know why I thought that because the more scientists I interact with, the harder it can be to tell them apart from artists. 🙂


8. What were some big compromises or struggles you experienced making a career out of this? Did you have any roadblocks (mental, emotional, physical) or did you feel supported along the way?

This is a really hard question. I have had a lot of support and interest, but I have also faced some serious challenges. If you think science is under funded in America, check out art! And if your art is living and temporal, something to be “experienced” but not necessarily bought and sold, then it can be even harder!! I still wonder if I will ever have a salaried job that takes advantage of every aspect of my education. At the same time, I think it is my responsibility to blaze this trail for others like myself — and it will take decades, likely. There are so many art residencies, but these opportunities force artists into being nomadic — moving from place to place every four months or year without knowing what the next year or two will look like or where they will be. This adds to the stress and struggle, and also can severely limit an artist’s ability to work on projects that are longer term, or involving science and technology. As you’ve heard before “science is slow” and so is art + science research.

9. What keeps you motivated when you’re feeling the drudgery? Do you ever hate it? What keeps it fun for you?

Any long process that involves precision, technique, conceptual robustness and creativity is going to involve drudgery. I think I hate it most when I am not sure if it will be a success, or I try to explain it to someone else and I don’t see any sparkle in their eye. Then I have to just hope it was a failure in my words and they will get it when they experience the work. 

Working with other people keeps it fun. Being in a feedback loop with the finished product keeps it fun. Having a plan as to where it will be presented also keeps it fun.

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10. Who are some personally inspirational people in this field?

There are so many. First three that I hadn’t already mentioned: Natalie Jeremijenko, Daisy Ginsberg, and Paul Vanouse.

nataliedaisy  paul

11. What are some key points of advice you wish you knew before you set out?

Geometry is incredibly important in art and visualization. And in general Math is a universal language and key to understanding operating systems in biology, computation and technology. It’s okay if you forget formulas because the internet can help you. However, understanding the concepts are essential for success. If something isn’t making sense in class, talk to your peers and mentors. There may be other angles you need to see some of these concepts from in order to understand them better.

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Fast Facts


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Conservation Field Biologist — Interview with Annie Hawkinson


Photo courtesy of Tambopata Macaw Project Facebook Page

I met Annie while volunteering at the Tambopata Research Center in the Amazon jungles of Peru and was to be her roommate for the duration of my stay.

I was worried that I’d be cramping her style by moving in to the room she had enjoyed by herself but she immediately helped get me set up.

Every morning the alarm went off at 4:30am, just before the howler monkeys started up their thunderous wind-storm-like territorial roars.

We would lie motionless in our mosquito-net-enshrouded beds listening for rain. If there was no rain, or just a drizzle, we had to get up and get to the boats to start the days work.

One morning, it had been down pouring on and off up until the alarm. The alarm went off and we listened for the boss, Gustavo’s voice indicating if we had to get up to work or not. We were tired and secretly hoped we could go back to bed and sleep in until 7:30am breakfast.

“Andele!”  Gustavo says its a go. Time go get up!

Annie grumbled and started crawling out of her mosquito net.

I didn’t want to get up either, so I put on my sarcastic happy voice and in an overly chipper tone said, “But Annie, isn’t it fun to be out in nature?!”

“I hatechoo…” she sleepy mumbled in an unenthused response.

It was that moment I knew Annie and I would get along great. She is also the perfect young aspiring woman scientist to interview, so let’s begin:


What type of science do you love (if you could categorize the topic e.g., psychology, neurobiology, conservation, wildlife, chemistry, molecular, physiological, etc.)?
I have always loved working with animals and working outside. I really enjoy learning how something fits into it’s environment. Over the years that has lead me to pursue a lot of macrobiology, and I particularly love studying evolution and conservation biology.

Annie Hawkinson: Head full of blonde curls. No shortage of hairdressers here!

What kind of scientist do you consider yourself?
I consider myself to be a field biologist, because the greatest skill I have developed working in the Amazon is how to deal with a demanding environment. The elements have me at their mercy! For example, at 5:00 in the morning I found myself shoveling mud off an observational site that had been buried from the flooding river.
annie shovel mud
What is your earliest memory of being hooked by science? 
I would say when I got to dissect a shark in 4th grade science class. Being from Minnesota, the ocean is pretty far away and as a kid it seems impossibly far. I think my teacher showed me that it was possible to study something foreign at a really close range and it opened my world.
Who inspired you to go down the path of science? 
Indirectly, my parents. They have encouraged me to do whatever makes me happy and since I have always been an animal lover I ended up pursuing biology.
What were some preconceived notions about science or scientists and did that change once you explored your career in it?
I sometimes got intimidated by the belief that “real” scientists have some natural ability making them experts in their work. In reality, although having an intrinsic passion for ones field is beneficial, it takes a lot of hard work, sacrifice, and time to be successful in the science community.
annie tree
What have been some big compromises or struggles you’ve experienced?
The hardest thing I had to do was accept that this once in a lifetime opportunity I was being offered might end my current relationship. Being in such a remote part of the world for months at a time (with slow and unpredictable internet) has often strained my relationship with my boyfriend, and in general I often feel disconnected from the lives of the people I care about. Thankfully those important people in my life are incredibly supportive, and just a month ago my boyfriend and family came to visit me! They were able to see what I do everyday and why it means so much to me- why I left them! I’m grateful for them in so many ways.
What keeps science FUN for you when you’re feeling the drudgery? Do you ever hate it? 
There’s no doubt that it’s challenging working at Tambopata Research Center. The team can go for months without any days off, doing physically demanding work, and sometimes it is absolutely exhausting. I have learned the importance of taking breaks, but when a siesta doesn’t do the trick, I have to remind myself where I am- that I live in one of the last untouched environments on earth. It may take a long time before I truly appreciate the significance of that, but while I can, I think it’s crucial to believe that our work is contributing to the conservation of tambopata. No matter what though, if I’m having a bad day, all I need is to see one if the macaw chicks.

Scarlet Macaw Baby

Do you have any advice you’d tell youngsters? Some key points you wish you knew before you set out?
My advice for anyone interested in working in the field is prepare to fail! I found it really stressful not being able to do everything perfectly when I first started facing setbacks from weather and other complications. Those experiences taught me that failure will happen and all you can do when it does is learn and move on.
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Bi-Polar Explorer — From Antarctica to the Arctic — Interview with Kate Ruck

Her name is Kate Ruck.


An Alaskan friend of mine told me that he had an Alaskan friend who I needed to meet. I love collecting Alaskan friends, so I told him to let her know she’s welcome to come by my house in Seattle anytime!

The day I met her I happened to be throwing a costume party after my 2013 return from Antarctica and I was showing everyone photos on my laptop. After I gave my shpeel I turned around and there was Kate Ruck standing quietly in the door frame. Xtratuf boots and long brown wavy hair framing her big bright eyes.

Instantly I knew who she was and I gave her a huge hug while also feeling completely embarrassed that this Antarctica-Traveling Queen had just listened in on my amateur brag about my travels to The Ice!!


The very evening that I first met Kate Ruck.

Kate travels a lot for work/school.

She is gone multiple months out of the year but always returns to Seattle. She was traveling to Antarctica via icebreaker, obtaining her Master’s Degree at Virginia Institute of Marine Science doing work for the Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (Pal LTER) project and US Antarctic Program.

This work resulted in her first-author publication: Regional differences in quality of krill and fish as prey along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Kate E. Ruck, Deborah K. Steinberg, Elizabeth A. Canuel.


Every time she is in Seattle we hang out and it’s been a friendship going on strong for two years now.

Kate is the definition of badass. She sails with salty sailors, lives out of a suitcase, wields a gun, bosses people around, siences the shit out of everything, hangs out with slimey fish, travels to Antarctica and gets a kick out of animals being dicks. I mean, who doesn’t, right?!

I thought she’d be perfect to interview. For obvious reasons.


Let the interview begin.

  1. What type of science do you love (if you could categorize the topic e.g., psychology, neurobiology, conservation, wildlife, chemistry, molecular science, physiological, etc.)?

Throughout my career, I have been consistently drawn to Marine Science, more specifically, Biological Oceanography and Fisheries Science. My early experiences in the field were overwhelmingly positive and engaging and I fell in love with all aspects of going out to sea and working on the ocean. Stepping out onto the deck of a boat to have a sea-bound horizon stretching in every direction cultivated an inexplicable sense of home for me and I felt compelled to delve deeper into the science behind my fieldwork. Our oceans are such a large, global resource that are highly utilized and still have not been fully explored or regulated. When I was beginning my career this field seemed ripe with opportunities for meaningful contributions while still providing an outlet to advocate for something that I valued and was passionate about.


  1. What kind of scientist do you consider yourself?

For the last two years I’ve been making my living as a contract field-biologist, meaning I take short-term seasonal positions working for different research groups as needed. This has been great in terms of travel, experience and getting my feet under me financially, but I am beginning to miss the ability to contribute to the broader impact goals of an established research project. It’s hard to invest two to three months of your life in an assignment you’re passionate about, only to say farewell it when the field season comes to an end.  In the broader brush, I’ve lately become very interested in education and outreach. Informing the general public about environmental issues such as climate change, conservation, and our global oceans.


  1. What is your earliest memory of being hooked by science?

Oddly enough, I remember being captivated by ‘Alba’, the glowing rabbit that was engineered in France by splicing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) of a jellyfish into her genome. It was the early 2000’s, I was just starting high school and thinking about college when genetics and molecular science topics began big in the news. I remember being fascinated by what was possible within the confines of the lab and was delving into books and documentaries on the topic. As I transitioned into college, I moved away from molecular biology because of the political and commercial interests that were starting to invade the field and the amount of competition that was associated with such a rapidly growing and hugely profitable industry. I had always wanted a workplace that was inclusive and highly collaborative. Ecology and marine science seemed like a better fit and my early field experiences got me hooked on the opportunities to be outdoors and immersed in the ecosystems I was studying. katedeck

  1. Who inspired you to go down the path of science?

A long string of incredibly engaging, charismatic, and supportive teachers kept me on the road to a career in science. Listening to lectures and taking labs from people who were so passionate about their profession instilled a love for the natural world that I felt could be the base of a career, rather than a hobby. I also have to give credit to my parents for encouraging me in what I was interested in rather than pushing professions that were less exciting to me but offered a higher degree of job security and financial stability.


  1. What were some preconceived notions about science or scientists and did that change once you explored your career in it?

I was pleasantly surprised by how relaxed and open I found the professional world of Oceanography could be. I realize that this isn’t everyone’s experience in academia, but my time at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and my involvement with the Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (Pal LTER) project was filled with interdisciplinary collaborations, sharing of resources, and a free flow of ideas.


  1. We can get caught up in the romance of being a “world traveling scientist” but it takes real hard work and a lot of sacrifices to actually do. What were some big compromises or struggles you experienced choosing to go down this path?

While I ultimately love what I do, there are a lot of personal sacrifices that I’ve made by doing this job, the way that I want to do it. Working as a contract field biologist took me away from home for roughly ten months out of the year in 2014. I’ve missed weddings, birthdays, funerals, Thanksgiving, New Year’s celebrations, and the day-to-day companionship of family and friends. Maintaining relationships with significant others is also challenging because there is always a component of long-distance and I am usually working in remote environments where there is no cell phone service or an Internet connection. Starting out, there is also a lack of financial stability and job security. I have seen colleagues leave this profession to pursue careers in the medical or business sectors because the demand and starting salaries are so much higher. Academic science is often operated on shoestring budgets, and when fieldwork is located in an exotic location, it is easy to find well-qualified volunteers or people who are willing to work for travel and living expenses in exchange for the experience. My biggest challenge right now is finding permanent employment with a science platform I respect that is also offering a salary that I feel is commensurate to seven years of experience I’ve accumulated and the two academic degrees that I’ve earned.

kate ice

  1. What keeps you motivated when you’re feeling the drudgery? Do you ever hate it? What keeps science fun for you?

Like any job, there have been some awful, overwhelming workweeks that I’ve had to slog through. I have been lucky enough to live and work in some of the most pristine wilderness on the face of the planet, including Antarctica, Prince William Sound, Alaska’s North Slope and the Bering Sea. The other side of the amazing field experiences is that I’ve also logged 40+ hour workweeks for months at a time to organize, prep, and analyze the 1000s of  samples we collected in the field; a stationary, monotonous task that still requires a high attention to detail. For me, getting through weeks of long hours or the disappointment associated with failed work is the responsibility associated with ensuring that you’re delivering high quality science to eventually share with the scientific community. I was also lucky enough to have worked in labs where there was a supportive and humorous group of coworkers and graduate students to bring relief to the routine. Opening up and asking for motivation from your peers has helped me through a lot of my unenthusiastic days. Creating and cultivating a supportive work community will bring fresh perspectives and energy to projects that may have become mundane from long hours of myopic familiarity.


  1. Advice you’d tell youngsters , some key points you wish you knew before you set out.

Surround yourself with people you trust and who are always inspiring you to continue investing in and pushing the limits of your work. Sometimes you may feel compelled to chase an opportunity because it’s the ‘right time’ or the location is ‘too good to be true’, but this work can occasionally require that you invest a lot of your personal time to achieving project goals. Working for and with people who recognize and value the amount of effort you’re contributing will increase your overall satisfaction with the job and ensure that all your effort won’t be taken advantage of. My bosses and peers have been great advocates for me and their connections, support and recommendations have opened up opportunities that I would have never considered within my reach. I also wish that I had done a better job of prioritizing my personal time when I was going through graduate school. When I initially started my thesis project, the amount of work that needed to be done seemed so overwhelming that I would feel guilty when taking time out to do something for myself. In retrospect, making clear definitions between time at work and time at home would have made me more efficient in the lab while making the time to myself at home more fulfilling. Don’t be afraid to carve out those hours to yourself!

Want to see more photos of Kate’s journey? Click here.

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An Arctic Researcher Confesses Her Relationship Woes

Women’s magazine featured an article titled: An Arctic Researcher Confesses Her Relationship Woes . Immediately I turned my attention to the words and read every single one written by Alia Khan.

This is exactly the type of honesty I like to hear! Stories of the true compromises that are made by adventuresome world-traveling career woman.


Photo courtesy of Google Search on Alia Khan.

I originally wanted to re-post the entire article on WOMANSCIENTIST primarily for your gratification and secondarily to provide a safe haven for the article, shall it not remain on its original site, but then I learned about copyright infringement laws and I don’t wanna get mixed up in dat bidness, so you’ll have to go to the original posting and read it for yourself.

I did do a little additional stalking of Alia’s professional work in the field and I want to direct you to her amazing links

Dark Snow Greenland and eight other posts she’s written for the New York Times Scientist at Work – Notes From the Field.


Photo courtesy of Women’s Adventure | February 3, 2015 | By Alia Khan

Now on to my thoughts about the article:

The reason I loved reading Alia’s confession is because it resonates with my own concerns as an adventure loving female in science worrying I won’t find a partner to support me emotionally and professionally.

Typically guys are the ones that get to go on those grand journeys while their women folk wait for them at home and I ain’t neva gonna be one of them stay-at-home types.

I was once in the Peruvian Amazon and I had more-or-less hired a young guy to tour me around the town of Iquitos–the parts of town where normal Western tourists don’t get to go. We spent the day together and I, as a tall blonde foreigner, managed to avoid all other types of harassments because I was “with a local”. As the day progressed and turned into evening, over beers, this young gentlemen made the joking remark, “You can be my wife and make a home while I’m out leading jungle tours!”

!@$%# ?! What’s that you say?!?! Are you kidding me!?

I informed him that if that were to EVER in his wildest dreams even happen, I would be the one going out on the jungle tours and HE could stay home and be the house man.

Even though I was in Peru for that exchange of nonsense ideas, I feel like this is the common stereotype that still exists in much of modern America. For whatever reasons (I gather it has mostly to do with the woman’s share in child labor and rearing) the woman seems to give up her career pursuits more easily than the man does. So, what if you’re a woman who doesn’t  want to give those pursuits up? You have to battle with the body clock ticking, with family and friends and society telling you you’re selfish for not giving up your pursuits or telling you that you’re suppose to support your family and Mom is your new career.

I think all those barriers are garbage. Obviously they’re honorable endeavors in themselves for those who want that life, but as adventuresome women, we need more women role models to look up to in this arena. And this is why I bring to you Alia Khan’s article.

She has pursued her research interests, her adventure interests and all along hoped Mr. Right would show up during a grand journey. The problem she encountered was that men she met who were also on their own grand journey, and didn’t want to give that dream up for a relationship either.

Alia is not without strong bonded relationships that will last her a life-time, not at all. She’s been in some intense situations with people in remote locations where nothing but a strong bond formed. Yet, none of these necessarily make for a good partner with whom to settle down romantically and perhaps raise a family.

Towards the end of her article, in her voice I sort of hear a little panic everyone exiting their 20’s gets, as she exclaims: “I’m 29 and finding my life focus changing, especially when I’m in places like Scandinavia or Chile, surrounded by young families with adorable babies bundled up against the cold.[…]I wouldn’t make any choices differently. But where does this leave me for dating in my 30s? Do I have to choose between fieldwork and a relationship?

I had to laugh in an empathetic way when I read that last sentence.

I’ve had my fair share of aging crises throughout my 20’s, feelings like I’m going to miss out on big life milestones as I watch the years tick by. During my 20’s I had finished college, been married and divorced and bought a house in between. Things “real” adults did.  Yet, I had a strong wanderlust back then that I remember suppressing big time with my rational brain telling me that I couldn’t pursue all those dreams as a “married person”. So back then, I chose relationship over field-work.

I remember, a couple years into the marriage, there was a trip I really wanted to plan to go on whether my husband wanted to come or not. Someone told me, “You can’t do whatever you want anymore, you’re married.”

My heart stopped right then.  You’re saying marriage now means I’m trapped? That even if I have my own money and vacation time, I’m just not allowed to go travel if my partner isn’t interested or can’t get time off?

I didn’t even have kids! I would have understood that rule more if I had kids, but I was just only married! What kind of bull shit rule is that?!

As I entered my upper 20’s, the relationship dissolved (something I’m not going to elaborate on here) and I executed the D-word, Divorce. Thinking about how I wanted to conduct future relationships, I vowed to myself deep down that traveling was going to be one of my non-negotiables from here on out. I am traveling whenever I want, whether anyone I’m in a relationship with likes it or not! Harumph! (Extra stubbornness added in for effect.)

Now that I am 31, with all those adult things behind me, I feel so liberated from the anxieties that came with all the relationship shoulds I felt were imposed on me.

All of the life lessons I gained from that time in my life I hold valuable to my being. But sometimes I do regret that I spent my 20’s being distracted trying to make the wrong relationship work just because I felt like I needed to be a Suzie Homemaker and settle down before I reached the dreaded 30s!

Now I joke that I am reverse aging. I’m finally free to continue on my journey doing all the things I should have been doing out of college: traveling, making my own decisions, being more selfish with me and my dreams, speaking up, and pursing my career wherever it will take me. I kind of think that subconsciously I’ve aligned my career as a Biologist so strongly with needing to travel that now I always have a way to justify why I need to be heading somewhere.

I’m glad for women scientists like Alia Khan who write about their hardships on the personal front. To answer her question “Do Love and Wanderlust Mix?” I would say, they damn well better if that is what you truly want!

I understand we can’t control what the universe throws at us, much less control the course of a relationship with another human being we may fall in love with. However, it has also been my experience that the moment I truly come to terms with following my bigger purpose in life, things I pine for somehow manifest theme-selves eventually and naturally.

As Alia mentions, “When I feel particularly lonely and like I am making a personal sacrifice for scientific and career advancement, I remind myself that it’s a privilege to be able to explore the world while collecting data for a greater public service…

and that is what it really comes down to: you are the only one you need to make your life feel complete,  so do what you want to do until you don’t want to do it anymore.

I’ve learned it is a waste of energy to get caught up in the panic of needing to reach, or fearing to miss, certain arbitrary age-denoted milestones.

Just let life unfold like a purdy little flower blossom.

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Women in Oceanography

This week a 260 page special issue came out featuring Women in Oceanography  YAY! I wanted to post the link here so you can reference other amazing women doing science!



A decade ago, in March 2005, The Oceanography Society published a special issue on women in oceanography with the intention of exploring why men vastly outnumber women at the higher levels of the field. Now 10 years later they’ve come out with another feature issue high lighting the progress that has been made, barriers since the last volume was published and areas where further attention might still be needed. The publication has been getting a lot of press featured in AAAS, at Bigelow Laboratory, and at The Institute for Systems Biology.

“We captured our story through statistical measures, longer narratives, articles describing some innovative US programs that were conceived to promote women and retain them in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, and one-page autobiographical sketches written by women oceanographers.” 


Two senior research scientists at The Institute for Systems Biology are featured on p.189 and p.234: My boss, Monica Orellana, and colleague, Anne Thompson, respectively. Go Monica and Anne!  Click here to download the PDF and read the original publication in full.

Additionally there are 15 more in-depth profiles of women in oceanography on the Women Oceanographers website here.

If you’ve thought about having a career in the marine world, I found a great article in the December 2011 Nature publication.

Marine Dreams : Scientists in a glamour field offer tips — and reality checks — for the next generation of marine biologists. 



I hope to get more Interview Bios up on WOMAN SCIENTIST webpage but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that women are being high lighted in sciences elsewhere, because surely this site alone is not enough =)

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Reinventing Science Museums with Art — Interview with Nina Arens


Nina: Artist. Scientist. Educator. Entrepreneur.

I met Nina in 2010 while working in the lab at The Institute for Systems Biology. She was also a lab technician slaving away at the bench doing repeated tedious tasks to advance our understanding peroxisomes in fatty acid metabolism using yeast as a model organism.  This project took a peak into how epigenetics plays a part in disease spreading of lipid disorders which have huge health implications.


The lab didn’t hold Nina for long. “It was at ISB where I decided not to pursue a scientific career…” Her strong artistic side and desire to blend art and science in an education setting drew her to get a degree in International Museum Studies at the University of Gothenberg in Sweden.  I remember Nina being hesitant, wondering if it was the right move to make. Leaving home, living abroad, leaving science. She took the leap of faith and spent two years absorbing the culture of museum design and curation. She visited 40 different museums, all the while thinking about how she could innovate and improve upon existing science museums of today.


She has returned to Seattle and is now back in the lab at the Institute for Systems Biology but this time she is working on Desulfovibrio vulgaris, an  extremophile sulfur-reducing bacteria, which can only survive in anaerobic conditions. She mentors students in the summers, and is also focusing on her new entrepreneurial adventure in creating a non-profit Pop-Up Science museum!



Nina is a perfect example of a woman striving to successfully blend all of her interests of the right-brain and left-brain into a fulfilling career even when traditionally art and science have not gone together. She has a unique artistic style and show cases her work and other artists as inspirations on her website.


This beautiful image was created by Arie van ‘t Riet using x-Ray radiography. See more beautiful images and Learn more about his work here:

To read more about Nina and her projects check out her website!

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Extreme Sports Scientist — Interview with Brianna Armour

Brianna Armour

Whoa! Who is this sexy chica?! She can’t be a scientist, can she?

This is Brianna Armour, and she is indeed a scientist.

What or who inspired you to go in to science?

My high school biology teacher.


She put the time and effort in to creating (labs) that were awesome and applied to life. For instance, she went around to local restaurants and grocery stores and brought back samples of crab whether it be real or imitation. We used PCR to figure out if the crab was real or not and you could actually tell! Also, she had us sample DNA from an elephant  tusk and then gave us information about its region and we determined if it was an endangered species, and thus illegally poached, or a native thriving population. It was always applicable to life and current events and it was fun and she wrote grants to get the money to do it all. She inspired me to go in to science.

Brianna Armour Skydive

Who do you currently work for and what is your role there? 

I work at Emerald Biostructures on Bainbridge Island, Washington. I started in the lab as a Research Associate II and was promoted to the position I’m in now.  I am no longer in the lab but I am still involved with the science and act as a liaison between the scientists and the investors.

Do you have a favorite go-to science website?

There is an awesome online resource that publishes peer reviewed scientific protocols in video format. JoVE.

I’m a very visual learner and I pushed our company to publish a protocol here which helped me really visualize what it was that we do.

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 10.24.11 PM

Tell me about your education path. 

Western Washington University — Biochemistry · Mathematics · Bellingham, Washington

Brianna Armour MtBike

Some of Brianna’s favorite quotes:

  • The biggest risk of all is not taking one. Mark Zuckerberg
  • He who thinks he knows doesn’t know.  He who knows he doesn’t know, knows. Joseph Campbell
  • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. See? There is no Someday. Hannah Root i think

Brianna Armour Sexy

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